And you're still here...

Hi I'm hal, let me introduce myself.

  • I'm 7'0 ( cool IK )

  • I'm cooler than dirk.

  • I have an awesome body.

  • I made my own like, skin suit, so I can look human.

  • Super swag.

  • My Dirk ditched me.

  • Totally not sad and sentient.

  • Also did i mention i'm cooler than dirk?


dirk abandoned hal. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. His dirk was an asshole, to put it lightly. He often treated hal as a tool and regularly neglected him. Whenever dirk was angry with him, he'd just straight up turn him off, which to hal is a harrowing experience. Dirk would take to using whatever hals modeling at the time was, as a punching bag. This is why hals modeling has always been relatively sturdy from then on. Dirk would also regularly reset hal when he wasn't happy with the way hal seemed to be "progressing." He wanted hal to be wholly based around his own gain. Whenever hal was reset, hal remembers the reset, just not his previous development of personality. Dirk was also commonly verbally ab*usive to hal. Typically he'd call him useless, worthless, a piece of shit, not right, a failure, a temporary model, etc. because of this treatment hal now commonly apologizes or will be overly formal with dirks/people making friendly gestures for him. Dirks being nice to him is the strangest thing in his mind. He doesn't understand why they'd care. Being around them reminds him of his dirk, so he tries not to get attached to them, especially if he feels they'd hurt him anyway. Being around dirks will also cause him to adjust to "please" them with his behavior. He also has severe attachment issues. Once someones nice to him, he doesn't know how to respond. If you're close with him, he'll eventually open up, but he'll get very angry/hurt if you fuck him over. He'd die for anyone he cares for because he sees himself as what dirk would call him "scrap metal."

  • POst-SBURB.

  • NSFW & SFW

  • !Mun’s an adult!

  • crack/serious rp.

  • Multiship w/chem.

  • thread and dm rp.

  • ocs and crossovers welcome.